About Us

About Us

Traditionally, red colour is associated with energy and exuberance and most of the ancient healing systems have also made use of it. In Ayurveda, Red is the colour of the mooldhara (root) chakra located at the base of the spine, which connects one to the outer world by awakening dormant spiritual energy. It makes one industrious and increases energy levels. Red also has great healing properties. It has revitalizing and stimulating effect and motivates action and corresponds to Body, Soul and Spirit.

"Redhill Herbals" signifies this spirit and represents "Mountain of Good Health" that helps people in being dynamic, active and energetic in maintaining good health without any side effects.

We bring the nature's finest wealth for the best use of humanity based on Ancient Ayurvedic, Tibetan and Chinese medical scriptures along with contemporary scientific research and aim to provide "best of both worlds" to society.

Company Profile

Redhill Herbals (P) Ltd is an ISO 9001-2015 and GMP Certified Company that is passionately engaged in developing natural, side-effect free solutions for today's life style diseases. It believes in strong and superior research and the formulations are backed by unbiased clinical trials.

As the company philosophy goes "Healthy People Strong Nation", Redhill Herbals wants to contribute towards nation building by making people stronger and disease free so that they can be more productive.


To be a world class and leading healthcare provider & manufacturer of quality Ayurvedic and Herbal formulations that are unique, effective and affordable so that people have access to the natural healing power of nature.


To produce natural, side-effect free medicines for today's life style diseases in a cost effective manner so that they are within the reach of common man.